Kamis, 21 Maret 2013


Noun Clause
 In this unit, you will learn some of the basic functions of noun clauses. As the name suggests, noun clauses do not modify as adverbial and adjective clauses do, but noun clauses fungtion as nouns. Like nouns they are used as subject of a verb, object of a verb, object of a preposition, subjective complement and appositive. The following are some of the clauses signals or introductory words for noun clauses:
that           which          how many        how long
who          whom          whatever         whichever
whose       what           whenever          whoever
where        why            now often        how soon
when         how            how old           how far
whether, etc.
Noun Clause adalah Clause yang digunakan sebagai pengganti noun atau berfungsi sebagai noun (kata benda). Selain Noun Clause ini, sebenarnya masih ada clause lainnya seperti Adverb Clause dan  Adjective Clause. Untuk mendalami penjelasan mengenai Noun Clause, silahkan perhatikan penjelasan di bawah ini:
Menurut jenis kalimat asalnya, Noun Clause dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 4 macam, yaitu:
  1. Statement (pernyataan)
  2. Question (pertanyaan)
  3. Request (permintaan)
  4. Exclamation (seruan).

1. Statement
a. Conjunction yang dipakai adalah: “that”
b. Fungsi Klausa ini adalah sebagai:
1) Subjek Kalimat
·         Kangaroo lives in Australia (statement)
·         That Kangaroo lives is Australia is well known to all (Noun Clause)
2) Subjek Kalimat setelah “It”
·         It is well known to all that Kangaroo lives in Australia
3) Objek Pelengkap
·         My conclusion is that Kangaroo lives in Australia
4) Objek Kata Kerja
·         All people understand well that Kangaroo lives in Australia
5) Apositif
·         My conclusion that Kangaroo lives is Australia is correct.
2.      Question
A. Yes/No Question
a. Conjunction yang dipakai adalah: “whether (or not/or if)”
b. Fungsi Klausa ini adalah sebagai:
1) Subjek Kalimat
·         Can she drive the car? (Question)
·         Whether she can drive the car doesn’t concern me. (Noun Clause)
= Whether or not she can drive the car doesn’t concern me. (Noun Clause)
= Whether she can drive the car or not doesn’t concern me. (Noun Clause)
= Whether or if she can drive the car doesn’t concern me. (Noun Clause)
2) Objek Pelengkap
·         My question is whether she can drive the car.
3) Objek Kata Kerja
·         I really wonder whether she can drive the car (or not).
4) Objek Kata Depan
·         We discussed about whether she can drive the car.
B. Wh- Question
a. Conjunction yang dipakai adalah: “kata Tanya itu sendiri”
b. Fungsi Klausa ini adalah sebagai:
1) Subjek Kalimat
·         What is he doing? (Question)
·         What she is doing doesn’t concern me. (Noun Clause)
2) Objek Pelengkap
·         My question is what she is doing.
3) Objek Kata Kerja
·         I really wonder what she is doing.
4) Objek Kata Depan
·         We discussed about what she is doing.
Posisi kembali normal, tidak seperti posisi sebuah pertanyaan normal.
3. Request
a. Conjunction yang dipakai adalah: “that”
b. Fungsi Klausa ini adalah sebagai:
1) Objek Kata Kerja
·         Read the book! (Request)
·         He suggested that I read the book. (Noun Clause)
Tanda seru hilang.
4. Exclamation
a. Conjunction yang dipakai adalah: “kata Tanya yang dipakai pada kalimat itu sendiri”
b. Fungsi Klausa ini adalah sebagai:
1) Objek Kata Kerja
·         What a pretty girl she is? (Exclamation)
·         I never realize what a pretty girl she is. (Noun Clause)

2) Objek Kata Depan
·         We are talking about what a pretty girl she is.
Catatan Tambahan:
  • Noun Clause dengan “that” digunakan sebagai subjek dari suatu kalimat hanya dengan kata kerja tertentu. Dan kata kerja (verb) yang penting adalah linking verb, khususnya BE.
  • Noun Clause dengan “that” sering menjadi objek dari verb (kata kerja), beberapa verb berikut ini biasanya mempunyai subjek yang menunjukkan manusia. Kata-kata tersebut terutama sekali adalah verb yang digunakan dalam Indirect Speech Berta verb yang menyatakan kegiatan mental.
Kata Kerja Kalimat Tak Langsung
Admit, agree, allege, announce, argue, assert, assure, declare, aver, boast, claim, complain, confess, convince, deny, disagree, explain, foretell, hint, inform, insist, maintain, notify, persuade, pray, predict, proclaim, promise, relate, remark, remind, report, say, state, swear, teach, tell, threaten, warn
Kata Kerja Aktivitas Mental
Ascertain, assume, believe, calculate, care (untuk kalimat negative atau interrogative), conceive, conclude, consider, convince, decide, discover, doubt, dream, expect, fancy, feel, find out, forget, grant, guess, hear, hold (pendapat), hope, imagine, indicate, know, judge, learn, mean, mind (untuk kalimat negative atau interrogative), notice, perceive, presume, pretend, prove, question, realize, recall, reckon, recollect, reflect, regret, rejoice, remember, reveal, see, show, suppose, surmise, think, trust, understand, wish .

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